⏫Upgrading to 3.x

Authentication changes

This major update comes with authentication changes thanks to KΓ©vin Dunglas' initial thoughts on the Kubeconfig environment variable authentication PR and how it should be changed.

use RenokiCo\PhpK8s\KubernetesCluster;

// 2.x method
$cluster = new KubernetesCluster('');
$cluster = (new KubernetesCluster(...))->fromKubeConfigVariable('context-name');
$cluster = (new KubernetesCluster(...))->fromKubeConfigYamlFile('/.kube/config', 'context-name');
$cluster = (new KubernetesCluster(...))->inClusterConfiguration();

// 3.x method
$cluster = KubernetesCluster::fromUrl('');
$cluster = KubernetesCluster::fromKubeConfigVariable('context-name');
$cluster = KubernetesCluster::fromKubeConfigYamlFile('/.kube/config', 'context-name');
$cluster = KubernetesCluster::inClusterConfiguration();

// Example on using the $cluster method.
foreach ($cluster->getAllPods() as $pod) {

For the fromUrl method, you can still call the ->withToken() and other authentication options as described in the authentication section.

$cluster = KubernetesCluster::fromUrl('')


$pods = $cluster->getAllPods();

PHP DocBlocks for KubernetesCluster

The RenokiCo\PhpK8s\KubernetesCluster now has proper annotations for all of the proxied methods, like getAllPods() or getAllConfigmapsFromAllNamespaces().

Your IDE should now be able to properly hint you the callable methods while you type them.

Codebase Cleanup

After a while, the codebase became a bit unorganized, so there were some actions taken:

  • The resource-ready traits, like CanScale or HasName were moved from RenokiCo\PhpK8s\Traits to RenokiCo\PhpK8s\Traits\Resource

  • Multiple classes, especially K8s and KubernetesClient now implements the code in traits to avoid very long files with mixed functionalities.

Last updated