

$container = K8s::container()
    ->setImage('mysql', '5.7')
        ['name' => 'mysql', 'protocol' => 'TCP', 'containerPort' => 3306],
    ->addPort(3307, 'TCP', 'mysql-alt')

Setting environment variables

To set the environment variable, simply call ->setEnv():

    'MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD' => 'test',

$container->addEnv('MYSQL_DATABASE', 'my_db') // this will append an env

Adding variables from references

To add an environment variable based on secretKeyRef, configMapKeyRef, or fieldRef, refer to the following examples.

In the below examples, the ref_key refers to the key on which the data is stored within a ConfigMap or a secret.

$container->addSecretKeyRef('MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD', 'secret-name', 'ref_key');

    'MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD' => ['secret-name', 'ref_key'],
    'MYSQL_DATABASE' => ['secret-name', 'ref_key'],
$container->addConfigMapRef('MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD', 'configmap-name', 'ref_key');

    'MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD' => ['cm-name', 'ref_key'],
    'MYSQL_DATABASE' => ['cm-name', 'ref_key'],
$container->addFieldRef('NODE_NAME', 'spec.nodeName');

    'NODE_NAME' => ['spec.nodeName'],
    'POD_NAME' => [''],

Attaching probes

Check docs on Probes for more details.

You might attach the probes to the container:

        ->command(['sh', ''])

        ->http('/health', 80, ['X-CSRF-TOKEN' => 'some-token'])

        ->tcp(3306, '')

Attaching volumes

Volumes are a tricky concept that helps you mount volumes with a pod and container. Mainly, you are given the choice to create a new Volume instance that will be attached to the pod, and you can convert that instance to a MountedVolume instance where you can attach the containers you need, just specifying the mounting path and subpath.

Check docs on Volumes for more details, where you are given details for more volume providers.

$awsEbsVolume = K8s::volume()->awsEbs('vol-1234', 'ext4');

$mysql = K8s::container()
    ->setImage('mysql', '5.7')

$pod = K8s::pod()

Limits & Requests

$container->minMemory(512, 'Mi')->maxMemory(2, 'Gi');


Last updated

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