
Default version: batch/v1


use RenokiCo\PhpK8s\K8s;

$container = K8s::container()
    ->setCommand(['perl',  '-Mbignum=bpi', '-wle', 'print bpi(2000)']);

$pod = K8s::pod()
    ->setLabels(['job-name' => 'pi']) // needs job-name: pi so that ->getPods() can work

$job = $this->cluster
    ->setSelectors(['matchLabels' => ['tier' => 'backend']])

Pod Template Retrieval

Jobs rely on pods, so you can get the pod template as K8sPod class:

$template = $job->getTemplate();

$podName = $template->getName();

To retrieve the pod template as an array, pass false to the retrieval method:

$pod = $job->getTemplate(false);

$podName = $template['name'];

Getting Pods

To get the pods, the Pod template must have the job-name label set. This way, the labelSelector API parameter is issued and you may retrieve the associated pods:

  name: [here it goes the job name]
        job-name: [here it goes the job name]

You can retrieve the pods as resources controlled by the Job by issuing ->getPods():

foreach ($job->getPods() as $pod) {
    // $pod->logs()

Custom Pod Labels

If you cannot declare the job-name label or simply want to use something else, you may call selectPods from the resource:

use RenokiCo\PhpK8s\Kinds\K8sJob;

K8sJob::selectPods(function (K8sJob $job) {
    // $job is the current Job

    return [
        'some-label' => 'some-label-value',
        'some-other-label' => "{$job->getName()}-custom-name",

Job's Restart Policy

You might want to use OnFailure or Never as restart policies. These can be applied to the pod before passing it to the job creation chain:

$pod = K8s::pod()
    ->setLabels(['tier' => 'backend'])
    ->restartOnFailure(); // restartPolicy: OnFailure

$pod = K8s::pod()
    ->setLabels(['tier' => 'backend'])
    ->neverRestart(); // restartPolicy: Never


Job Status

The Status API is available to be accessed for fresh instances:



You can check if the job completed:

if ($job->hasCompleted()) {

You can retrieve the null/\DateTime instance for start and end times for the job:

$start = $job->getStartTime();
$end = $job->getCompletionTime();

You can also retrieve the amount of time the job ran for:

$seconds = $job->getDurationInSeconds();

Last updated

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