๐ŸŽญCRUD Operations

Retrieving all resources

Getting all resources can be done by calling ->all():

$namespaces = $cluster->namespace()->all();

// Or you can use a specific method to call it at once
$namespaces = $cluster->getAllNamespaces();

// For namespaced resources, you may pass the namespace
$stagingServices = $cluster->getAllServices('staging');

The result is an RenokiCo\PhpK8s\ResourcesList instance. The class is extending \Illuminate\Support\Collection, on which you can chain various methods as described here: https://laravel.com/docs/master/collections

Retrieving all resources from all namespaces

Retrieving all resources from all namespaces can also be done using the allNamespaces() method:

$allPods = $cluster->pod()->allNamespaces();

// Or you can use the specific method:
$allPods = $cluster->getAllPodsFromAllNamespaces();

For the specific method, the format should be getAll[Resource]FromAllNamespaces()

Retrieving a specific resource

Getting only one resource is done by calling ->get():

$service = $cluster->service()->whereNamespace('staging')->whereName('nginx')->get();

// You can also shorten it like
$service = $cluster->service()->whereNamespace('staging')->getByName('nginx');

// Or you can use a specific method to call it in at once
$service = $cluster->getServiceByName('nginx', 'staging');

Filters can vary, depending if the resources are namespaceable or not. By default, the namespace is default and can be missed from the function call.

Creating resources

Calling the ->create() method after building your Kind will create the resource in your cluster. In fact, it will actually sync it to the Cluster as Kubernetes uses the resource names as identifiers.

$ns = $cluster->namespace()->setName('staging')->create();

$ns->isSynced(); // true

Updating resources

While Kubernetes has the ability to PATCH a resource or REPLACE it entirely, PHP K8s relies on REPLACE to update your resource since you have to retrieve it first (thus getting a synced class), edit it, then triggering the update.

$cm = $cluster->getConfigmapByName('env');

$cm->addData('API_KEY', '123')->update();

Deleting resources

You will have to simply call ->delete() on the resource, after you retrieve it.

$cm = $cluster->getConfigmapByName('settings');

if ($cm->delete()) {
    echo 'Configmap deleted! ๐ŸŽ‰';

Additionally, you can pass query parameters, grace period, and the propagation policy if needed:

public function delete(
    array $query = ['pretty' => 1],
    $gracePeriod = null,
    string $propagationPolicy = 'Foreground'
) {

Creating or updating resources

Sometimes, you want to create a resource if it's not existent or update it with the current resource class info. You can do this in one chain call:

    ->addData('RAND', mt_rand(0, 999))

Each time the above code is running, it will create the ConfigMap if it's not existent, or it will update the existent one with a random number between 0 and 999.

Last updated

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